Call for Proposals: Bucknell Chemical Engineering Senior Design Projects

Bucknell University students are asked to work on a project for a client and produce a tangible result (deliverable) based on that work.  The deliverable can be a process, a device, a scientific or engineering study, a design or a simulation that addresses a problem involving chemistry and engineering.

General Requirements (please refer to CHEG 410 Overview and Project Proposal Guidelines link for additional requirements and selection criteria):

  1. A client with a clear interest in and reason for supporting the project
  2. A client that can be easily and reliably contacted by the supervisors
  3. A client who understands and will sign-off on the legal responsibilities of your project, clearly defining ownership of any intellectual property and release of liability.  Clients must allow your project to be shared at least within the class for presentation purposes.

Client questions can be directed to the KEEN Industrial Liaison, Shane Cohen (, and course coordinator, Professor Brandon Vogel ( Note that while all projects will be given consideration, no project is guaranteed to be selected.

CHEG 410 Overview

Project Description Form

Project Sponsor Mentor Responsibilities