Central Pennsylvania Focuses on Promoting Livability

IMC has partnered with several organizations, including Focus Central Pennsylvania, on a mission to tell the amazing story about the Central PA region to potential investors and companies considering locations for their growth strategies. In addition to key investment factors such as real estate, infrastructure, talent, and proximity to markets, a critical part of the story is what a remarkable place Central Pennsylvania is to work, live and grow.

These Central PA organizations have partnered to bring alive the conversation of Livability through a multimedia program in conjunction with a state initiative. Pennsylvania’s Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) engaged in a three-year partnership with a program called Livability that encourages business investment, talent recruitment and relocation by reaching corporate executives, site selectors, entrepreneurs, talented individuals, families and visitors attracted to Pennsylvania’s quality of life.

“Attracting quality employers to the region is part of our mission,” says Focus Central PA board chair Jennifer Wakeman. “Livability gives us a tool to further engage companies and draw them here by highlighting all that our area has to offer.”

“Central PA is trapped in a conundrum, businesses cannot expand if there is not an available workforce, but people leave the area because they don’t think there are available jobs. We have an opportunity to influence people by sharing what’s so great about the region to keep young adults in the area after graduation and keep and attract new businesses. By marketing the region and what it has to offer businesses and families, we can expand career opportunities for our residents and attract new talent to the region. The more workers we have in the region, the more prospects there are to grow business and the local economy,” states Erica Mulberger, executive director of Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation (CPWDC). “I was one of those people that graduated and thought I needed to move to the city to get a good wage. After 2 years of living in Baltimore, I was happy to move back to Central PA where I wasn’t spending 3 hours in traffic every day and working just to pay for high rent and food. These are a couple of the livability factors people don’t realize when you’re fresh out of college and just focused on the salary a company offers you,” states Mulberger.

Central Pennsylvania has the premier featured section in the magazine part of the initiative, an 8-page digest available online at https://livability.com/focus-central-pennsylvania, in the center of the Pennsylvania Work Smart. Live Happy. publication made possible by funding partners Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation’s (CPWDC) MADE in Central PA Next Generation Partnership; Chamber of Business & industry for Centre County (CBICC); DRIVE; Mifflin County Industrial Development Corporation (MCIDC); Northumberland County Planning Department; Union County Economic Development; Greater Susquehanna Business Development Council (GSBDC); and SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority (JRA). The 8-page digest will be available in print, digital format and enhanced with individual articles online at Livability.com. The digest, which includes a strategic and targeted distribution plan to get in front of key audiences, features stories from entrepreneurs, business leaders and residents that live, work and grow in Central PA.

“DCED is proud to partner with Livability to promote our love for Pennsylvania in the Work Smart. Live Happy. magazine,” said DCED Deputy Secretary Carrie Fischer Lepore. “Our friends at Focus Central PA know that Pennsylvania is the best place in the nation for people and businesses to call home, and we look forward to sharing our hometown pride with readers far and wide.”

In addition to the funding partners, many incredible organizations throughout the region contributed to the content development and ideas for Livability in Central Pennsylvania to include tourism agencies, chambers of commerce, large employers’ human resource leaders, college & university leaders, entrepreneurs, downtown agencies, and many more! Livability in Central Pennsylvania is all our story to tell.

Right now, millions of people are evaluating or reevaluating where they want to live. There are many factors each person and family consider in this important decision including job opportunities, safety, affordability, economic stability and growth, outdoor recreation, accessibility, art and culture activities, broadband access, community engagement and more. The Central Pennsylvania Livability initiative is a way to tell the story about life in Central PA and share opportunities that await those considering places to call home. Visit https://focuscentralpa.org/livability/ to learn more.

Livability showcases the best places to live around the United States and offers Top 10 lists, articles, data and more for every city. Livability.com is a website that ranks America’s most livable small and mid-sized cities. The website includes demographic information, statistics, articles, photography and video that summarize the quality of life in communities, including information about schools, neighborhoods, local restaurants and cultural events.