What is Collaborative Manufacturing and How Can it Help You?

An IndustryWeek Webinar Invitation

Heavy equipment manufacturers are confronted with increasing complexity. You are buffeted by increasing customer requirements, product variations and global production all under the pressure of reduced time to market.

You need effective collaborative manufacturing capabilities to better integrate product and production processes, planning, and strategies and improve overall machine quality.

In this webinar, we will discuss key challenges facing heavy equipment manufacturers and their need to unify global engineering and manufacturing teams. Learn how product and production changes can be kept in sync and issues are identified and resolved earlier in the lifecycle.

In doing so your teams are able to work on the same requirements, models and manufacturing process plans, while having the flexibility to meet local requirements. We call this Collaborative Manufacturing. The results are clear benefits like:

  • Improved offline simulation and optimization of manufacturing planning
  • Optimized design and manufacturing processes
  • Dynamic enterprise manufacturing intelligence connected with product development and faster response to change

In addition, Gary D’Souza will discuss how AGCO was able to unify global design, engineering and manufacturing teams so they were able to work on the same requirements, models and manufacturing process plans and deliver the right data to the shop floor.


Rahul Garg

Rahul Garg
Senior Director, Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment
Siemens PLM Software

Rahul Garg is responsible for defining and delivering the key strategic initiatives and solutions for the industrial machinery and heavy equipment industry and global business development. He and his team are responsible for identifying key initiatives and developing solutions for the industry while working closely with industry leading customers and providing thought leadership on new and emerging issues faced by the machinery industry.

Garg has 25 years of experience delivering software-based solutions for product engineering and manufacturing innovation for the global manufacturing industry.

Gary D'Souza

Gary D’Souza
Manufacturing Engineering Lead

Gary D’Souza is the Manufacturing Engineering Lead for the development and implementation of PLM at AGCO in Hesston, Kansas. He has been with Hesston for seven years in a number of roles. In his current role as Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, D’Souza has led a team of engineers through the creation of technical content as well as the development and launch of Teamcenter® PLM software for manufacturing — a solution which interfaces with design, manufacturing engineering, production systems and the factory floor to provide fully configured technical documentation to all users.
