Implementing a Food Safety Culture Aligned with Operational Excellence

In our rapidly changing world, food manufacturers are constantly being challenged to introduce innovative solutions to improve operations, quality, and safety in their businesses. This webinar will discuss how your food manufacturing business can benefit from aligning operational excellence with a positive food safety culture. We will share examples of how this process has worked with food manufacturers, the risks of not building a food safety culture, and how to develop a path that integrates operational excellence with food safety. Personnel, supply chain, and advanced technology will all be discussed.

Learning objectives:

  1. Understanding how process control affects profitability
  2. Learning how a strong food safety culture affects your business
  3. Using cross-functional teams to build a food safety culture
  4. Integrating food safety culture and advancing technology
Can’t attend live? Register to view the webinar on-demand!



Juliana Canale, Food Industry Safety, Compliance & Regulatory Solutions Specialist, New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Jeffrey Hartman, Managing Partner, Capital Manufacturing Consultants