Near Shoring as Opposed to Off Shoring, Why Choose the “Americas”

Imports into the U.S. continue to grow, even with the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic and other factors more companies are sourcing goods and material from overseas markets. Much of this “offshoring” is with Asia, due to the increasing costs of transportation, shortage of air and ocean cargo space and increased tariffs on goods from some origins (China) companies are rethinking their sourcing. The new trend is for “Nearshoring” looking to the “Americas” as not only a source of goods but as new markets for their products.
Existing US Free Trade Agreements and faster, less costly transportation options are making this an attractive option. This program will provide insight into the benefits of looking to the “Americas’ and best import practices that can be beneficial not only for imports from the “Americas” but imports in general.
Why You Should Attend
  1. Improve your import process
  2. Reduce costs
  3. Expand your exports
  4. Understand the benefits of Nera Shoring
  5. Use your Customs Broker to your full advantage
  6. How to work with your suppliers
    “and much more!”
Who Should Attend
  • Anyone in your company who is responsible for purchasing and/or imports
  • Anyone who coordinates with your Customs Broker
  • Logistics
  • Management
  • Sales
  • Finance
