North Central PA Energy Efficiency Roundtable: Community Resources for Your Facility Projects & Upgrades

Join us and other regional resource partners for the first of three free North Central PA Energy Efficiency (NCPA EE) Roundtable virtual events to help improve your business. The Roundtable provides a forum for non-residential energy users to share information and learn from experts on various energy topics, from energy efficiency technologies to energy management strategies.

The NCPA EE Roundtable’s mission is to provide assistance to PA non-residential customers to reduce energy costs through improved energy management, energy efficiency and cutting-edge technology. The roundtable provides a forum for customers, through two – three events per year, to share information and attract experts on various topics from energy efficiency technologies to energy management strategies.

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The mission of the North Central PA Energy Efficiency Roundtable is to provide assistance to PA non-residential customers and reduce energy costs through improved management, energy efficiency and cutting-edge technology. The roundtable provides a forum for customers through two – three events per year to share information and attract experts on various energy topics from energy efficient technologies to energy management strategies. Counties Served: Cameron, Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Tioga, Union and Venango.