Process Equipment and Energy Efficiency Grant Opportunities

This webinar will feature two key Federal programs geared to help manufacturers and small businesses tap into hundreds of millions in grant dollars. Join us to learn about the eligibility, grant requirements, accessibility, and more!

The Rural Energy for America (REAP) program is administered by the USDA and open to manufacturers in designated areas. REAP offers grants for renewable energy systems up to $1 million max and for efficiency (energy & process) improvements up to $500,00 max. Grants have a 50% maximum match. REAP also offers loan guarantees on projects.

The Industrial Training & Assessment Centers (ITAC) Implementation Grants are funded through the Department of Energy and administered by ENERGYWERX. Grants are available for up to $300,000 per recommendation with a 50% match maximum. An energy assessment is required to apply for these funds, unless the facility is ISO50001 or 50001 ready certified.

Grants can be used to install energy efficiency equipment such as lighting, alternative energy, upgrading HVAC systems, insulation, or energy management systems in their operations. Grant funding is also available to install equipment that will improve energy and material efficiency, to increase productivity, and to reduce emissions.

Project and grant experts will provide the overview on these programs, how companies can get engaged, and cover questions during the live session.
