Proper Filing of EEI thru ACE/AES Webinar

The vast majority of exports from the U.S. require the filing of the Electronic Export Information (EEI) through the Automated Export System, not filing, late or inaccurate filings can mean significant fines and penalties. Although in the case of a “Routed Shipment” the buyer may have responsibility the seller always has either the actual obligation to file or insure the filing is correct. The implementation of ACE (The Automated Commercial Environment) and other regulatory changes have affected the filing process.

The program will cover:

  • Detailed information on new requirements
  • Learn who is responsible to file
  • When to file
  • Proper information to file
  • Learn what has changed in regards to ATA Carnets
  • What to do if a filing has to be corrected
  • How to file when an export license, exemption or exception is used
  • What steps to take if a freight forwarder files on your behalf and much more!

Who should attend? Anyone in your company responsible for filing, anyone who coordinates a freight forwarder who files on your behalf or on behalf of the buyers, export compliance managers and compliance team members.

This webinar is available free to all companies in the Appalachia region.

Don’t miss this opportunity to train your team right from the comfort of your own office!
