Robots Changing the Way Manufacturers Compete

Please join industrial automation experts The Proud Company, with the Northwest Industrial Resource
Center (NWIRC) and the Innovative Manufacturers’ Center (IMC), for a presentation about how adopting the latest collaborative robotics technology can positively affect your bottom line.

Plant Managers, Vice Presidents, Presidents/CEOs/Owners are encouraged to attend.

This workshop will introduce attendees to a new class of inexpensive, easy to deploy robots that are changing how manufacturers think about automation.

Gone are the days of massive capital expenditures on expensive, fixed automation. By leveraging $1.50
per hour collaborative robots to perform mundane, highly repetitive tasks, innovative manufacturers
are gaining a distinct competitive advantage.

Join us on October 12th to learn how companies are deploying this technology. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with a collaborative robot and explore how they can deploy this game-changing technology.
