#IMakeinPA Campaign Looking for Manufacturing Professionals
The third annual Pennsylvania Manufacturing Week will take place September 30-October 6, 2017, complementing National Manufacturing Day on October 6. Both initiatives promote the industry and address misperceptions of manufacturing today, draw attention to the amazing career opportunities available in a variety of sectors, and educate the public on the significant impact manufacturing has on Pennsylvania’s economy.
This year, the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) is launching a new social media campaign called #IMakeinPA to draw attention to the exciting career opportunities in manufacturing. #IMakeinPA will feature profiles and testimonials from Pennsylvania’s manufacturers and employees with an emphasis on younger workers, their background (how they got into manufacturing), and what a typical work day looks like (a “day in the life”).
As part of the #IMakeinPA campaign individuals working in manufacturing professions will be profiled on dced.pa.gov/mfgweek. If you would like to participate in the #IMakeinPA campaign, please fill out the form below and provide a hi-resolution headshot.