Millennials, Hiring & Retention

Dear Manufacturing Leaders – Much talk about millennials these days and in particular as relates to manufacturing.  Below is a link to a pretty good article about attracting and retaining people and millennials in particular – the fastest growing generation in the workplace.  Jeff Kopenitz mentioned this fellow Jason Dorsey as the guru of workplace generational considerations.  Other good stuff related to the subject on this site.

Click here to read “Unlocking Millennial Talent.

Two thoughts having just read it.

  1. Millennials are clearly less willing to accept a “just do your job” type of workplace experience.  Good for them.
  2. The “key organizational capabilities” for business success in today’s more complex, competitive and fast-changing world – system-wide continuous improvement and innovation – are exactly aligned with what millennials are looking for.  So in getting really good at systematic process improvement (Lean/CI) and product & service reinvention (innovation), you also create a workplace that attracts and retains the most talented young people.  That’s winning.

Also FYI, we recently developed a template of a selection and retention improvement strategy.  It’s something that I think any company could work from to develop a company-specific selection and retention improvement strategy.  Let me know if you’d like a copy.