Cybersecurity & Real-Time Regulation Compliance for Today’s Manufacturer

We will be discussing complete NIST/DFARS compliance in one package.  Grow your business, keep your contracts, secure your business. The NIST/DFARS Compliance presentation includes everything your business needs to meet compliance requirements.

This webinar will provide answers to the ever changing risk exposure to manufacturers today. We will cover topics including:

-Identifying Assets & Vulnerabilities

-Securing Your Organization

-Employee Training

-Ongoing Security Monitoring

-Post Breach Support (Including our Breach Hotline and Cyber Liability Insurance)


Black Bottle, an Information Security Company that provides network security assessments, data breach protection, security monitoring, compliance assessments and creates comprehensive security programs that include cyber insurance.


Update on DoD Enforcement of DFARS 7012 Cybersecurity Compliance

In this webinar, DFARS/NIST cybersecurity compliance experts from eResilience will be joined by Robert Metzger, co-author of the MITRE “Deliver Uncompromised” report that establishes cybersecurity as a 4th Pillar of acquisition, equal in importance to cost, schedule and performance. Mr. Metzger is a leading DoD supply-chain and contract law expert with the firm RJO. This webinar will present an essential update on new actions taken by the DoD to increase the priority on DFARS 7012 compliance across the supply chain.

Recent DoD memos and policy updates have provided guidance to the procurement community on how to incorporate cyber compliance as an evaluation factor in new solicitations and how contracting officers should review and evaluate contractor SSP and POAM documents and identify risks associated with unimplemented security control requirements. New guidance documents also clarify the responsibility of prime contractors to flow DFARS 7012 requirements down to their subs, track the flow-down of Covered Defense Information across their supply chain and prime contractors are put on notice that they must develop plans for assessing the cybersecurity compliance of their suppliers.

The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) has been instructed to begin auditing contractor compliance with DFARS 7012 as part of their reviews of contractor purchasing systems. (The DCMA is currently expanding its staff of DFARS evaluators from a team of six to a team of 250 personnel.) There’s no doubt that the DoD means business when it seeks to tighten up cybersecurity across the supply chain.

Webinar topics will include:

  • Update on DoD implementations of DFARS 7012 initiatives
  • Interpretation of the new procurement guidance from a business planning and contracting perspective
  • Critical aspects to understanding the compliance and readiness of your entire DoD supply chain
  • Strategies to prepare for new DoD procurement measures and increased cyber-supply chain oversight

Content will be presented by Tim Williams, Technical Director at eResilience, and Robert Metzger, head of RJO’s Washington, D.C. office. Don’t miss this informative session on how the DoD is taking actions to enforce DFARS 7012 and NIST 800-171 requirements and how your business can reduce risk.
