What to Expect When You’re Inspected

Make sure your company is ready for a FSMA inspection.

This webinar will provide guidance to food manufacturers on what to expect and how to prepare for an inspection, focused on preventive controls for human food.

Based on the experience of MEP National Network practitioners who have worked with hundreds of companies on FSMA compliance, this webinar will discuss:

  • Commonly cited issues of non-conformance
  • What to expect from an inspection
  • How inspections have been adapted during the pandemic
  • How to prepare for inspection
  • How to make the process work for you



Meet the Presenters


Kimberly L. Anderson
Project Manager –
Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension, Center for Industrial Research and Service

Through the CIRAS partnership with Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension, Kim helps food companies obtain compliance through practical methods. Before joining ISU, Kim worked in private industry and at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an investigator with the U.S. Public Health Service. Kim’s regulatory experience, coupled with her engineering background, provides a realistic approach in coaching manufacturers to meet compliance with FDA-regulated products. Whether updating to FSMA, just beginning, implementing changes, or training on PCQI, Kim brings a regulator’s reference point to quality systems, using her knowledge to help businesses succeed.


Wendy W. White
Project Manager –
Food Safety & Quality

Georgia Tech, Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership

After more than 17 years in the food manufacturing and distribution industry, Wendy joined Georgia Tech’s Georgia Manufacturing Extension Program (GaMEP). In this role, she supports Georgia businesses by providing educational outreach and helping improve food safety systems and compliance to regulatory and auditing standards. Wendy received both her BS in Biology and MS in Food Science from the University of Georgia. She is a prolific author, sought-after speaker, and holds multiple leadership positions for local and international organizations. She holds several technical certifications and is a FSPCA Lead Instructor for FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Foods.

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Top 5 OSHA Violations in the Food & Beverage Industry

By end of this webinar, you will walk away with:

  • Awareness of common hazards
  • Understanding of key OSHA requirements
  • Recommendations for control strategies
  • Tips for engaging employees in ongoing hazard identification
