Federal regulations require employers to operate an effective hearing conservation program (HCP) for people working in hazardous noise. However, even with specific rules and recommendations to guide them, employers may struggle to be pro-active and able to prevent occurrences of noise-induced hearing loss. This webinar will address some common reasons for HCP ineffectiveness and offer tools and recommendations for improving the management of HCPs. This webinar is designed for all persons who play a role in delivering hearing loss prevention services in the workplace.
Lauraine (“Laurie”) Wells, Au.D., Doctor of Audiology | Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist, 3M Personal Safety Division
Laurie Wells, Au.D., is a Doctor of Audiology and Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist for 3M Personal Safety Division, where she works with hearing protection and hearing conservation program regulatory issues globally. Her responsibilities include supporting evidenced-based standards development and providing subject matter expertise related to hearing loss prevention. Dr. Wells has been a long-time co-presenter for the highly regarded 3M Hearing Loss Prevention Seminars, a series of non-commercial educational programs on hearing loss prevention topics. Here she has become known for interactive training techniques towards motivating people to protect their hearing. Before coming to 3M, Dr. Wells worked for a consulting firm, Associates In Acoustics, Inc., where as Manager of Audiology, she provided professional audiology review of hearing loss cases, audiometric database analysis, assessment of hearing protection devices, audits of hearing conservation programs and conducted employee noise exposure assessment, audiometric testing and employee education. The experience of directly interacting with workers at their jobsites as well as consulting with corporate level health and safety professionals has allowed her to integrate real-world issues with policy making in an effort to better shape effective preventive practices. Dr. Wells is the Immediate Past-Chair of the Council for Accredita¬tion in Occupational Hearing Conservation (CAOHC), representing the American Academy of Audiology and a Past-President of the National Hearing Conservation Association.
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