How to Develop a Risk Resilient Supply Chain and a Future Proof Manufacturing Footprint

For the past few decades, the path to success in manufacturing often resulted in extended supply chains and multiple sources of operations. When everything worked correctly, costs were low and margins were fat.

COVID-19 has put that old model of manufacturing under tremendous strain. The questions of how and where your company will have distribution and manufacturing operations in the US, Europe, China, Asia, and everywhere else have all been reopened.

How will your company not only cope with the current short-term crisis, but also build a future proof value chain? Join us to start planning your roadmap, including answers to the following questions:

  • How to build your risk-resilient (decentralized) supply chain?
  • Are decentralizing production or reshoring realistic options for your company?
  • How can you manage your supplier base better with more advanced supplier management tools and a control tower to enhance visibility?
  • How do you find the best location for your new consolidated plant/distribution center?


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3 Ways to Streamline Product Innovation

Product teams are under pressure to produce. But bringing new products to market is incredibly complex — and that was before Covid-19 caused unexpected disruption and dramatically shifted markets. Now more than ever, product teams need to operate with agility that helps them respond to sudden, dramatic market shifts and bring the most profitable products to market quickly.

To achieve this level of efficiency, product leaders and teams need to reimagine the way they operate to move at a faster pace at every development step from ideation to launch, iteratively roadmap and prioritize the most viable products, and bring those products to market the moment they’re needed.

By adjusting a few things in the way your product teams operate, you’ll be able to streamline your product development processes to help the business meet demand and remain competitive and viable in rapidly evolving markets–all without adding budget, time, or resources.

Join us as we outline three steps to streamlining product innovations to help you:

  • identify the right opportunities
  • align product roadmaps with company strategy
  • simplify budgets and planning timelines
  • standardize product workflows and lifecycles
  • and automate reviews and approvals


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Conducting Remote Audits in the Era of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is necessitating rapid shifts in many company auditing processes as a means to assure compliance with EHS regulatory requirements and continued maintenance of EHS management systems. Work environments have changed with many facility staff being transitioned to remote work or staggered schedules. Business activities may have shifted to those minimum operations permitted by state order, or those deemed critical for business sustainability. With limited access to the activities needing reviewed, site staff and compliance records auditing teams need to rethink how audits are planned and conducted. In these uncertain economic times, there is more than ever increased pressure to improve efficiency and maximize return on investment; all while meeting stakeholder expectations for the audit.

Many companies that have been using remote auditing strategies for years have already seen the value-add for their programs. By using technology, such as mobile tablets, live video streaming, and electronic cloud-based document sharing, organizations are optimizing for efficiency and providing lasting positive business impacts. With the right tools, your organization can conduct more effective audits in less time, while also improving peer-to-peer collaboration, reducing costs and continuing to meet compliance assurance expectations for your organization and stakeholder.

Join Gensuite LLC and Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc (STC) to discuss remote auditing best practices including:

  • Key considerations & recommendations for implementing remote audit processes
  • Leveraging technology as the solution for remote site interviews, walkthroughs, and evaluations
  • Utilizing remote auditing techniques, such as live video streaming with remote experts, to improve site performance and drive corrective actions to closure


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Mission Critical – Safely Starting Back Up

COVID-19 has not just caused a temporary interruption to our everyday lives, it has ushered in a new reality.  The basic principles of safety will not change, but the strategies and tactics must.  All change impacts safety, and leaders need to address these changes with strategic planning and proactive practices.  Poor safety performance is an indicator of inadequate strategic planning.

Organizations that remain committed to the pursuit of safety excellence have been proactively examining the best case, worst case, and most likely scenarios. They are working to outline actions under these three scenarios as they plan for the new normal and the reopening of the global economy. Learn how to remain committed to safety excellence during confusing times and how to maintain the focus on and in safety.  While there is always risk of doing the wrong thing, there is a greater danger in doing nothing. It is time to begin strategically planning for the new reality.

Are you ready to take control and secure your safety future?


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New Challenges for Employers as They Return to Work After COVID-19

Once President Trump announced the “Opening Up America Again” guidance on April 16, which provides discretion to state governors and local officials to make individual determinations about relaxing return-to-work and non-essential business closure orders, states immediately began to announce their plans for reopening businesses. Businesses will soon reopen, presenting employers with new challenges as part of the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.   Business guidance and legal requirements are changing rapidly. This webinar will discuss changes implemented that employers must be ready for as states reopen for business. This webinar session will cover:

  • How to prepare for taking temperatures and making spatial changes in the workplace
  • Handling employees that refuse to work
  • Managing your suppliers to ensure they’re adhering to your EHS requirements
  • Assessing the workplace for PPE, including face coverings
  • What potential legal claims employers could face, including OSHA claims


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The Pulse of Performance Management 2020 – The Transformation of Finance

What is the impact of the current economic volatility on FP&A groups? What role can performance management play in providing the tools to successfully help companies manage through this period? Are today’s conditions accelerating the initiation of Finance Transformation / Modernization projects?

As more companies move forward with performance management, they need to understand their options. Which vendors received the highest ratings from their customers for budgeting, consolidation, reporting, dashboards, and analytics? How do vendors differentiate themselves?

Now in its 17th year, this annual web event will quickly get you and your team up to speed on the latest in budgeting, planning, forecasting, consolidation, reporting, and analytics. This information will enable you to confidently embark on a new performance management project, or identify opportunities to enhance an existing one.

Note: this is a cross-industry webcast.

The following information, all new or updated for 2020, will be covered:

  • New for 2020: Vendor strengths to help you identify which vendors line up with your key selection criteria
  • New for 2020: Focus on key elements of AI/ML adding value to performance management solutions today
  • New for 2020: Core vendor functionality heatmap highlighting highest rated vendors in each area
  • Updated analysis of the relationship between forecast accuracy and forecasting methodology
  • The key vendors to consider for your performance management project will be identified and reviewed based on their core, specialized, and advanced functionality, latest enhancements, market success, and customer satisfaction with a focus on ease of use

BPM Partners will reveal for the first time anywhere:

  • BPM Partners’ core list of performance management vendors for 2020 – successful, mainstream solutions with broad appeal
  • The BPM Pulse 2020 vendor customer satisfaction ratings
  • The 3rd Annual BPM Pulse Awards for Top Rated Vendors


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Strategies for Success in Manufacturing Software Implementation

Over half (50 – 70%) of ERP projects fail. Despite the high costs incurred in failure, and the prominence of these projects, the success rate has not improved. Why?

Surveys and anecdotal reports consistently cite time, budgets, and lack of senior management involvement, but those are external factors to the direct implementation processes which should be followed and are normally the result of insufficient information prior to commencing with the project.

What elements of the project are under your immediate control and set the stage to eliminate these common failure reasons?

There are standard, widely accepted processes required for a software implementation project, including planning, documenting, training and testing. One critical task which is commonly not done or done poorly is a formal Business Process Review (BPR). Without  a solid BPR, project requirements are not formally defined nor prioritized, so the potential software features and design – which may not be related directly to your business goals — become the de facto requirements. Although the review may be done as part of the implementation project, ultimately the BPR should be performed prior to selecting software, so there is a basis and justification for the decision.

Join John Hoyt and Jane Scanlan, co-founders of the Next Level Manufacturing Consulting Group to learn about the key elements of a great BPR that, when done correctly, will contribute to a higher probability of success for your project. These elements include:

  • Documenting standard business process functions and controls
  • Interviewing key management and staff
  • Reviewing existing system features and related procedures
  • Gathering current forms and reports
  • Developing process improvement recommendations
  • Defining priorities


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Functional Safety of Control Systems

The objective of the webinar is to define the processes and standards that are important in the design and evaluation of safety-relevant control systems. This webinar addresses how ISO 13849-1/2 and ANSI B11.26 (standards for safety-relevant control systems) is applied in automation and in the design of plants.

  • Be aware of the relevant standards related to safety control systems
  • Overview of the necessary process from assessment to validation when designing or modifying safety related control systems
  • Overview of the key factors and parameters related to safety control system design and the related design implications


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Top CPG Manufacturers Reveal Strategies for Success

The consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is in flux. Manufacturers face a wave of ever-shifting demand and the need for ever-shorter lead times, plus an unprecedented array of new disruptive technologies to evaluate and implement. Successfully navigating these complex challenges can mean pulling ahead of the industry; failure can mean losing out to nimble competitors. But how can you chart a path to not only survive, but succeed, in an environment of change?

IndustryWeek partnered with Oracle to survey leading CPG manufacturers to find out.

In this webinar, we will reveal the research findings and show what strategies, tactics, and technologies top manufacturers are using today to drive their competitive edge. We will also share practical steps you can take to pull ahead of your competitors.

Join us to find out more about burning topics such as:

  • What emerging technologies matter most to leading CPG manufacturers
  • How mixed-mode manufacturing can increase flexibility and efficiency
  • The top ten best practices shared by top CPG manufacturers
  • How the cloud has become an essential tool for digital transformation
  • Next steps to drive your company into the future


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How a Crisis Reveals the Weakest Link in Your Supply Chain: Tips to Prepare and Adapt

When a crisis hits, whether it’s a global event (like a pandemic, war, or raw material shortage) or vendor-specific (like a fire, flood, or even a family emergency), a disruption to your supply chain can be catastrophic to your business. The better prepared you are, and the better you understand your supply chain, the better you can weather the storm. From minimizing risk (especially with offshore suppliers) to having backups already in place, we’ll discuss ways to identify the weak links in your supply chain and provide insights to help overcome them.

Join us for this webinar sponsored by our sister center FuzeHub and learn:

  • How COVID-19 has impacted supply chains across the globe
  • What you can do now if your supply chain is being disrupted by COVID-19
  • How to perform risk assessment and quality audits on new potential suppliers
  • Creative strategies to help finance your project and procure components when investment options are limited
  • The costs and tradeoffs of domestic versus international manufacturing
