Deloitte 2017 Study – How Manufacturers Can Create Positive Perceptions with the US Public

In Deloitte’s recent study on the perception of manufacturing, the vast majority of Americans surveyed continue to view manufacturing vital to economic prosperity. However, less than 5 in 10 believe manufacturing jobs are interesting, rewarding, clean, safe, stable, secure. Less than 3 in 10 are likely to encourage their children to pursue a manufacturing career. Yet, when asked what future jobs in manufacturing will look like, those surveyed have overwhelmingly optimistic views – future manufacturing jobs will require high-tech skills (88 percent) and will be clean and safe (81 percent), as well as more innovative (77 percent). Given these findings, manufacturers could benefit from uplifting current perceptions in order to attract talent. Click to read how manufacturers can help change the perception of manufacturing.

Click here for the full study and supporting information.