Support for IMC and the National Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program

For almost 30 years, IMC has been helping Central Pennsylvania manufacturers become more innovative, productive and profitable.  We have been able to do this, in part, due to support from the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership program.

A recent study by the W.E. Upjohn Institute found that the MEP Program generates a substantial economic and financial return of nearly 9:1.  Yes, a federal investment that works!

Please take 5 minutes to e-mail your federal elected officials asking them to support a $142.4 million appropriation for MEP, which helps support IMC’s operations.

To e-mail your federal elected officials

  1. Click on this link
  2. Click Send E-mail.
  3. Complete the demographic information in the blue box and click Submit. This will take you to the Compose Message page where you will see the text of the e-mail and the names of the officials you will be e-mailing.
  4. Review the letter and customize as appropriate – paragraphs 1 and 4 REQUIRE customization inside the brackets [ ].
  5. Click Submit at the bottom of the page
  6. Please consider forwarding this request to employees or others at your discretion.


Thank you for your support of IMC and Central PA Manufacturers!