Videon Central Announces Manufacturing and Testing Services

What’s the opposite of off-shoring manufacturing to countries where labor is cheaper? Bringing it even closer to home. That’s what Videon Central is doing with its new Manufacturing Services. Though the business has long manufactured and tested its own products, it is now opening its doors and offering Manufacturing and Testing Services to other companies in the Centre Region and beyond.

Specializing in contract manufacturing and product testing for highly-regulated industries, Videon’s facility has equipment to stress products to the point of failure, a process that offers valuable reliability information and guarantees long term quality. “Our chamber can take a product from -100°C to +200°C in less than 5 minutes,” explains Production Manager Ian Urbanik. “Or it can shake the product, simulate lightning strikes, keep it in a humid environment…and in any of those stress scenarios, we identify the weak links of the design. Change that part of the design, and you have a product that will last longer even in rugged circumstances. A more reliable product means fewer field returns and higher bottom line profit.”

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Videon HALT Services Datasheet

Videon EMI Testing Package Datasheet

Videon Temperature Testing Services Datasheet