Penn State Announces SME Additive Manufacturing Challenge
Partnering with America Makes and MEP, Penn State’s Center for Innovative Materials Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D) is sending an open invitation to SMEs to present ideas for how Additive Manufacturing can revolutionize their business. The challenge will be focused on concepts that utilize additive manufacturing for improving a current product or developing a new product. Although the Challenge will focus on additive manufacturing of metals, applications involving polymer printing will also be considered depending upon the impact of improving or developing a product through additive manufacturing. The top five submissions will be awarded stipends and access to Penn State and America Makes world class facilities and research personnel in order to validate, demonstrate, and showcase their ideas.
*The SME Challenge proposal should include IMC as the regional NIST MEP as an integral member of the proposal team. Concepts due March 27, 2016.
Click Here for more information and directions on how to enter the challenge.