One Page Manufacturing Technologies Guide

A rapidly evolving part of advancing your Continuous Improvement (CI) system, specific practices and initiatives is understanding the various technologies that can be applied to support solutions.  This technology advancement is a big deal but can get messed up (lose money) or be very beneficial (make money).  And your role can have much to do with it going well.  That starts with emphasizing that without good “CI systems thinking and A-3 / PDCA type methodology”, the selection and application of process improvement technologies is likely to be messy or even misguided and costly.

Click here for a one page illustration that I got from a McKinsey article.  I like the concept, the way it’s organized.  You’ll see that the “wheel” advises about what types of technologies (hard and soft technologies and practices) align with what type of applications starting with most general at the hub and then working out to more specifics.  I’m finding it a nice resource for thinking about what applications might fit for what needs and opportunities.  It could also be used to help identify what technologies and associated practices you and your organization might want to learn more about or not (people / skill development).

Keep in mind that being a “CI Manager” has much to do with getting your company to become more of a learning organization.  And you have to be selective about that – as in advancing your knowledge primarily on things that will improve efficiency and effectiveness – i.e., business results.

Webinar: Jump Start Continuous Improvement in Your Manufacturing Business

Not all manufacturing businesses want or even need extensive (and expensive!) transformation programs. There are, however, still systemic problems that most leaders need to address such as: unachievable strategies, unclear priorities, misaligned processes and detrimental behaviors that are harming the overall business.

In this webinar, internationally recognized experts in organizational change, will introduce you to the “Leverage Points” transformation methodology. Developed and tested over the past 10 years, this process emerged from studying how successful organizations really evolve by implementing small, situation-specific changes to create focus, alignment, and an achievable plan for driving results.

Webinar participants will have the opportunity to learn and ask questions about:

  • The hidden impact of non-value added and strategically-misaligned activities
  • Why small, simple changes are often more effective at driving results than big, complex transformations
  • How to use Leverage Points to uncover systemic problems, create simple, situation-specific solutions and implement with minimal disruption and stress
  • Why socialization and experimentation are critical elements of lasting change
  • How to determine if Leverage Points is right for your organization and where to start

Who should attend:  CEOS / COOS / CXOS, General Managers, Sector Leaders / Function VPs / Directors / Leaders / Transformation & Continuous Improvement Leaders

Beau Keyte

Beau has specialized in improving corporate performance for three decades. He started in the 80’s working with manufacturing industries faced with global competition, then expanded to service and healthcare industries in the early 90’s, adapting accredited lean and continuous improvement process tools to new fields of practice. His main interest is now developing and teaching the kind of self-sufficient thinking that challenges work and management processes, improves organizational performance and alignment, and sustains culture change. Recent work has included developing ways for organizations to learn and adapt more quickly through collaborative learning efforts. In addition to assisting companies in implementing performance improvement and culture change strategies, he is aligned with research organizations focused on improving business operations. Beau is a faculty member and instructor for curriculums at the Lean Enterprise Institute and Ohio State University’s Fisher School of Business, and a Faculty Fellow at the Shingo Institute at Utah State University. Beau is a co-author of numerous journal articles and two award-winning books, The Complete Lean Enterprise (2nd Edition 2016); and Perfecting Patient Journeys (2012). Beau holds BSE and MBA degrees from the University of Michigan.

Brent Wahba

Brent began his innovation and continuous improvement career 30 years ago while working in R&D at General Motors and Delphi. While there, he led global systems businesses, product development organizations, operations and supply chain improvements, and an enterprise-wide combined strategic and lean transformation. For the past 10 years, he has coached and consulted with startup through Fortune 50 firms and become a leader in advancing lean thinking in Operations as well as Sales & Marketing, Strategy, and New Product Development. Dedicated to “improving improvement,” Brent is on the faculty of the Lean Enterprise Institute and regularly contributes leadership articles to The Lean Post. He is also the author of The Fluff Cycle, which outlines a systems problem solving approach for improving Sales & Marketing outcomes. Brent holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from the University of Rochester, plus an MS in Materials Science & Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is currently the president of Strategy Science Inc., and a volunteer startup mentor with SCORE.

Steve Melito

Steve Melito is a Matching and Reporting Specialist for FuzeHub. He provides regular reporting for the Matching Team and is also a frequent contributor to the FuzeHub blog. In addition to his duties for FuzeHub, Steve is founder and owner of Thunderbolt Business Services, a content marketing agency for manufacturers. His manufacturing-related experience includes technical writing and training for an industrial directory, an aircraft maintenance management system, and ERP system for the printing industry. Steve holds a Bachelor’s degree from Colgate University and a Master’s degree from Southern Methodist University.


Introduction to PA COSTARS for Sellers/Suppliers

Do you want to…

  • Increase your business with reliable payers?
  • Sell to qualified local governments and non-profits, without the need for expensive public bidding procedures?
  • Compete based upon your company’s features & benefits – not just price?

Then this Seminar is for You!

COSTARS, the Commonwealth’s Cooperative Purchasing Program, leverages the purchasing power of the
state and over 9000 members (consisting of local governments, public authorities, non-profit
educational and health entities and fire and rescue companies) to generate competitive pricing while
eliminating the need for the public bidding process. With its comprehensive choice of products, it gives
local public and non-profit agencies the option of keeping their procurement dollars in their local
economy by purchasing from qualified suppliers. At the same time, COSTARS provides increased
opportunities for hundreds of businesses of all sizes in all locations to compete for over $575 million of
government business. COSTARS contracts are awarded to all responsive and responsible bidders.

Kim Bullivant, Marketing Manager of the Pennsylvania Department of General Services COSTARS
program will present the program. She will present the following information:

  • Program Background
  • Program Benefits
  • Bidding Opportunities
  • How to Become a COSTARS Supplier
  • State Contracts & COSTARS Contracts
  • Marketing Tips
  • Information on the COSTARS Website
