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Safety leaders receive a myriad of technical training for their roles, but two crucial components of leadership—how to make confident decisions and how to lead people through a crisis—are often overlooked.
Eric McNulty, Associate Director and Program Faculty at the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative (NPLI) at Harvard University, is a published business author, professor, speaker, and expert on how to lead more effectively and with greater confidence during crisis and change. Join Eric and AlertMedia’s Senior VP of Safety Solutions, Peter Steinfeld, in this masterclass on how to excel at safety leadership, no matter the situation.
We invite you to submit your questions for Eric upon registration, then join us on January 24, 2023, to learn how to:
Eric McNulty | Associate Director and Program Faculty | National Preparedness Leadership Initiative, Harvard University
Eric J. McNulty is Associate Director and Program Faculty at the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative (NPLI) at Harvard University and an Instructor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. McNulty is a widely published business author, speaker, and researcher. He is co- author of You’re It: Crisis, Change, and How to Lead When it Matters Most and has written more than 200 bylined articles in top publications.
He teaches in multiple executive education programs and graduate-level courses on leadership, negotiation, and conflict resolution at Harvard.
Peter Steinfeld | Senior Vice President of Safety Solutions | AlertMedia
Peter Steinfeld is the Senior Vice President of Safety Solutions at AlertMedia and host of The Employee Safety Podcast, where each week, he interviews safety, security, business continuity, and disaster recovery experts from all over the world.
Peter is a graduate of Middlebury College, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics. He also earned his MBA from the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management at Rice University. Peter has been involved in the emergency communications industry for nearly 20 years, advising organizations of all sizes on matters related to employee safety, and is passionate about helping organizations protect their most valuable assets: their people.
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