Innovative Manufacturers' Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
Many manufacturing and processing facilities face air quality issues. Wet or dry particles can become airborne when food, metal, chemicals or pharmaceutical products are produced or when paper or wood are processed. If left to accumulate in the air, this dust and mist causes numerous safety hazards for operators and the facility.
This webinar will discuss common causes of contaminated air, health & safety risks related to poor air quality, specific issues associated with fine dust and mist, and OSHA regulations governing facility air quality. It will also present ways to improve air quality and ensure quality return air using high efficiency filtration.
Chris Fluharty, Northeast Regional Manager, Camfil Air Pollution Control
Chris Fluharty, Northeast Regional Manager, has been with Camfil Air Pollution Control since 2011 and has 21 years of experience in the filtration industry. His career has included managing all of the filtration products for a variety of large automotive manufacturing facilities, managing a filtration products rep firm and the last 8 years with Camfil APC.
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