Innovative Manufacturers' Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
COSTARS, the Commonwealth’s Cooperative Purchasing Program, leverages the purchasing power of the
state and over 9000 members (consisting of local governments, public authorities, non-profit
educational and health entities and fire and rescue companies) to generate competitive pricing while
eliminating the need for the public bidding process. With its comprehensive choice of products, it gives
local public and non-profit agencies the option of keeping their procurement dollars in their local
economy by purchasing from qualified suppliers. At the same time, COSTARS provides increased
opportunities for hundreds of businesses of all sizes in all locations to compete for over $575 million of
government business. COSTARS contracts are awarded to all responsive and responsible bidders.
Kim Bullivant, Marketing Manager of the Pennsylvania Department of General Services COSTARS
program will present the program. She will present the following information: