Innovative Manufacturers' Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
The Williamsport Inventor’s Club will be hosting Paul Moulton, Owner/President of Indoor Sky at its August meeting. During this session Paul will be sharing “Using Ideation to Create and Build Upon New Product Ideas”.
When it comes to new product ideas, “blue sky thinking” (starting from nothing) is almost impossible! Most new products are a result of an external influence; perhaps a trend, an invention of a new material or very often the result of a problem or obstacle. Having identified the opportunity for a breakthrough new product, one must go beyond one’s own intellect and solicit input from lots of other loonies! This presentation will illustrate one way to do that.
Paul is the founder of Indoor Sky and previously worked with C/S where he was responsible for technical sales support for the UK architectural community before managing the small but fast growing UK operation. Paul relocated to the US in 1987 and started the Technical Products Group for “non standard” business development, particularly in seismic joint technology ultimately leading to his role as Sr VP of Marketing and R&D. Specialties included strategic market development, new product development, research & development and product based strategic planning.
The Williamsport Inventor’s Club is designed to educate, foster collaboration and networking and give attendees the tools, resources and knowledge they need to move their inventions forward.
The Innovative Manufacturers’ Center (IMC) is host to the Williamsport/Lycoming Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ), which has provided program support to the Williamsport Inventor’s Club since its founding in 2007. Meetings take place on the 4th Wednesday of most months and are open to the public.
Attendance is free and open to the public; however, your RSVP is required.
New attendees are asked to arrive by 5:15 p.m. to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to the start of the meeting to protect the inventors and information exchanged.