Innovative Manufacturers' Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
A business owner’s relationship with their business has a life cycle. Whether they started the business or bought it, they are on a path leading them and their business to an eventual exit. And currently, because Baby Boomers own about two-thirds of all privately held businesses, there will be a significant turnover in company ownership over the next ten years.
In order to address these eventualities, Keystone Business Ventures, Inc. has developed a life-planning management system that is based on a Value Acceleration Methodology and Exit Planning Institute Strategies for an owner, or owners, to benchmark their company’s value, identify “value drivers,” and initiate action plans that will enhance their company’s value when it is time for their successful transition to a new and fulfilling life. All businesses transfer at a Range of Multiples.
Come and learn what range of multiples your business would transition at today. The Value Gap is the difference between what your business is worth today and what value you need to sell the business for in order to accomplish your retirement or post succession, referred to as “Third Act”, goals. Please join us as we review the 11 actions that you will need to know in order to prepare yourself and your company for your “Third Act.”
Speaker: Bill Knoch, Keystone Business Ventures – Click here for bio.