The Critical Thinking Process and Tools that Support Root Cause Analysis


“If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.” ― W. Edwards Deming In this webinar we will review the primary tools used for finding Root Cause, and how to use them effectively to converge on the Root Cause of a problem. We will review the philosophy Read More


Reducing Complexity in the Age of Manufacturing Industrial 4.0


As a manufacturing organization grows and changes it becomes increasingly difficult to implement business process standards, support quality and consistency, and provide visibility to business leaders who have become removed from the day-to-day operations. Further, a collection of legacy, siloed, customized, out of date solutions leads to redundant, inaccurate data, extra work, and an inability Read More


The Economic and Strategic Benefits of Cloud ERP


Based on research from Computer Economics, organizations that have fully or largely migrated their ERP and other solutions to the cloud spend less on IT as a percentage of revenue and on a per-user basis. Savings come not only from a reduction in data center spending but also from lower IT personnel costs. Moreover, because cloud-based systems Read More


Kick-Starting Your Modern Maintenance Program


Do any of these sound like you? I’ve got no real maintenance management system. I never have and am intimidated about where to get started. I’ve got a system, but I never got it off the ground and don’t feel we get what we need from it. I’m making progress, but I would like to Read More


Data Visualization: How You Can Take Analytics to the Next Level


With the right tools and strategies in analytics, you can leverage the data you are collecting to deliver better cost and productivity efficiencies in your business. All manufacturers collect and analyze data to drive and support business decisions, but how do you know that you’re getting the most out of your data? The next level Read More


Tools to Navigate the Changing Workforce in Manufacturing


You probably know the saying “change is the only constant.” Well, that couldn’t be truer during this unique time in operations, where: 50% of facility managers are expected to retire in the next 10 years 80% of Americans agree there is a skills gap in the workforce 2 million of the 3.5 million manufacturing jobs Read More


Modern ERP Trends Manufacturers Can’t Afford to Ignore


According to a 2019 Mint Jutras Enterprise Solution Survey of Manufacturers, 29% are considering a new ERP system in the next 2 years, and 33% are undecided—meaning, they likely recognize the limitations of their current system but are unsure how to proceed. Do either of these groups sound like you? If not, are you ready Read More


AI and the Revolution of Logistics, Mobility and Manufacturing


It’s no secret that artificial intelligence and automation have been a hot topic within every sector of the supply ecosystem. In only a few years, rapidly advancing technologies have transformed virtually every aspect of warehouse and distribution center operations, disrupting long-held functions and practices. These innovations present previously unimaginable potential for the industry at large Read More


Take Control of Your Manufacturing Operations


Running a production manufacturing facility brings multiple levels of complexity that need to be managed in order to remain profitable. Whether it’s responding to your customers’ changing demands or just keeping machines up to support your delivery commitments, you must have an effective control mechanism that can account for change. Can your manual, paper-based system Read More


The Future of Manufacturing: Transformational Technology & Your Workforce


Manufacturers are implementing new technologies such as artificial intelligence, advanced automation, and data analytics to transform their operations now and for the future. While these technologies drive increased operational efficiencies and overall productivity, they also impact the workforce by providing the opportunity for upskilling and helping to attract new talent. This webinar will explore how Read More


Factory of the Future – Optimizing the Plant for Industrial Transformation


The Factory of the future (FoF) is a key part of every industrial transformation (IX) program. It delivers the systems needed in the factory to support IX technology, process and people. The key starting point for every FoF is data. Indeed, many factories have started that data collection through MOM, SCADA and other key manufacturing Read More


Optimizing Production in the Age of Digital Transformation


Today’s Markets are no longer satisfied with “standard” products and services. Manufacturers are increasingly driven to produce smaller quantities of a wider variety of products – and to do it with great efficiency. Rigid, inflexible processes no longer meet the needs of the market. Flexibility and agility are required to compete and succeed in this Read More
