Webinar: Robot Ready-Adopting a New Generation of Industrial Robots


In industrial manufacturing, robots are shedding their cages, where they have toiled for decades, and now collaborate shoulder-to-shoulder with their human co-workers. They’re working on dangerous and onerous industrial tasks, while also carrying out other tasks of great dexterity and precision such as soldering microchips. As robots take on more, and promise more – and Read More


Webinar: Product Lifecycle Trends – Design to Manufacturing Delivery


The time it takes for a product to go from the design phase to the delivery phase is shorter than ever. Based on our research findings, engineers are feeling the pressure to keep up with shorter production times, higher production volumes, and manufacturing demands at a higher efficiency. There are plenty of opportunities for engineers Read More


Leveraging ERP to Enhance Your Customers’ Experience


Technology disrupters such as Uber, Amazon and Netflix have set new standards and irrevocably changed the meaning of customer service. Customers have now been conditioned to expect exceptional customer experience---every time—and it is often the difference between retaining a customer or losing them to the competition. And no industry is immune. In this webcast, you Read More


Safety Performance Leads Business Performance


Everyone knows that safety is a business imperative. It helps to keep your people safe and your operations productive and profitable. Not everyone realizes that safety can be a significant driver for business performance. But, in order for safety performance to influence your business performance, you need a strong culture of excellence built on a Read More


Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence: How Computer Vision Drives ROI


Manufacturing enterprises are quickly deploying AI solutions to stay ahead, but how to scale these advances -- and where to begin -- remain elusive. This talk, moderated by Levatas’ head of Data Science, will walk through how to perform human-in-the-loop analysis of unstructured data such as imagery and video footage, and how it could save Read More


Supply Chain Visibility: A New Look


Are you keeping up with the evolution of supply chain visibility? Many of the world’s top supply chain organizations are gaining an understanding of how their supply chain flows are tied to outcomes. As a result, they make better business decisions, stay ahead of problems, and gain new efficiencies. In this session, you’ll see how Read More


Moving Manufacturing Beyond Lean with Digitalization and IIoT


Many manufacturers have leaned out their processes so that the product physically flows efficiently down the line. But what about digitally? Can they look at all their data and glean insights from it? Do they digitally capture all the data they need to perform a thorough analysis to go beyond lean? According to Gartner, the Read More


The Critical Thinking Process and Tools that Support Root Cause Analysis


“If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.” ― W. Edwards Deming In this webinar we will review the primary tools used for finding Root Cause, and how to use them effectively to converge on the Root Cause of a problem. We will review the philosophy Read More


Reducing Complexity in the Age of Manufacturing Industrial 4.0


As a manufacturing organization grows and changes it becomes increasingly difficult to implement business process standards, support quality and consistency, and provide visibility to business leaders who have become removed from the day-to-day operations. Further, a collection of legacy, siloed, customized, out of date solutions leads to redundant, inaccurate data, extra work, and an inability Read More


The Economic and Strategic Benefits of Cloud ERP


Based on research from Computer Economics, organizations that have fully or largely migrated their ERP and other solutions to the cloud spend less on IT as a percentage of revenue and on a per-user basis. Savings come not only from a reduction in data center spending but also from lower IT personnel costs. Moreover, because cloud-based systems Read More


Kick-Starting Your Modern Maintenance Program


Do any of these sound like you? I’ve got no real maintenance management system. I never have and am intimidated about where to get started. I’ve got a system, but I never got it off the ground and don’t feel we get what we need from it. I’m making progress, but I would like to Read More


Data Visualization: How You Can Take Analytics to the Next Level


With the right tools and strategies in analytics, you can leverage the data you are collecting to deliver better cost and productivity efficiencies in your business. All manufacturers collect and analyze data to drive and support business decisions, but how do you know that you’re getting the most out of your data? The next level Read More
