Below are a few ways local businesses can connect with Bucknell University students to work on your own internal projects.
Website Design Class
Bucknell students will make websites free of charge for local businesses and organizations this coming semester in Markets, Innovation, and Design 300. This web design project will provide a hands-on learning experience for the students while also benefiting local organizations. Application due August 29 at
Computer Science Design Projects
Provide an opportunity for a realistic design experience where students can apply their software engineering knowledge, develop new engineering and design skills, and gain experience working independently with clients. Students will work with you to specify a solution to your real-world problem and deliver a working prototype by the end of the academic year.
Examples of previous projects:
Application due August 15 at
Connect with Bucknell’s Freeman College of Management
As class projects are being planned for the Fall 2018 semester, local businesses are sought to work with management students and faculty on projects of mutual interest. Projects may range from extensive interaction with students throughout a 14-week project to as simple as providing data; or may develop into a collaboration with a faculty member with analysis expertise. Topics may involve operations management, supply chain, or data-driven projects in any area of your business such as pricing, human resources, finance, and more.
Contact Missy Gutkowski, Director of Experiential Programs at