Williamsport/Lycoming Keystone Innovation Zone (KIZ) is the entrepreneurial support arm of IMC, Inc., working with entrepreneurs and start-up businesses in Lycoming County interested in developing new products or technologies, inventions, or innovative ideas.
IMC helps KIZ clients evaluate their ideas, and then offers many useful resources and services available to walk them through the many steps between ideation to business launch. Aligning with IMC’s core mission of advancing manufacturing in Central Pennsylvania, the Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ focuses its support of clients working in the diversified manufacturing, plastics, wood products, and information technology industries.
Entrepreneurship Tax Credits
In addition to product development and start-up services, Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ offers access to the powerful state KIZ Tax Credit that provides much needed financial support to qualified start-up companies. In Williamsport alone, KIZ Companies have collectively received over $2 million through this Tax Credit.
Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ is part of a statewide KIZ network-initiated through the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development. KIZ zones are designated through the state in an effort to encourage creativity, foster innovation and provide entrepreneurial opportunities within geographic areas and industry concentrations.