Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
The Center for Strategic and International Studies published a report concluding that hacking costs the overall U.S. economy as much as $10 billion each year and the loss of up to 500,000 jobs. U.S. companies spend millions of dollars securing their networks, buying insurance and repairing their reputations after getting hacked.
In total, more than 1,200 people outside of Iraq and Syria have been killed in attacks inspired or coordinated by the Islamic State, according to a New York Times analysis.
These numbers underscore the importance of both cyber and physical security in our world. Security is EVERYONE’S business
Join us for this enlightening event. Meet and network with security professionals ready to share their knowledge and experience with you.
Physical Security:
Cyber Security:
These two sessions run concurrently so you will need to indicate which session you are attending on the registration form, under the Additional Information field.