Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
The headlines are full of companies whose reputations have been threatened and damaged—sometimes irreversibly—by supply chain mismanagement. It’s not enough any more to have your own house in order. Your risk management strategy needs to ensure that every aspect of your supply chain is protected against avoidable situations, and that you can recover from unpredictable disasters. OSHA can conduct an inspection at your worksite in the event of an injury to another company’s employee—would you be prepared if OSHA comes calling?
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to protect your company from incidents caused by under-qualified or untrustworthy contractors or suppliers. Don’t put yourself at risk—financially or legally—for injuries, damaged goods, late or missed deliveries, machinery repair, insurance claims and any other problems that result from your vendors and contractors. Discover how to focus on supplier risk management; how to gather the information you need to identify potential safety and health risks; and how to work with your supply chain partners to develop policies and procedures that protect them, that protect you, and that protect every employee involved.
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