Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
Many sales managers are in a tough spot right now. They have been used to “managing by walking around” or doing field visits and ride-alongs to keep on top of their team’s performance, and now, they are trying to adjust to a remote and virtual team.
That’s why Sandler designed this special, free educational webinar for owners, sales leaders, and managers who want to learn how to do strategic and tactical coaching virtually.
Developing and coaching the sales team by sitting in on their sales calls is one of the best ROI opportunities open to any organization, large or small. This webinar shows managers how to use these “virtual ride-along” sessions to make the sales team more efficient and productive.
Sandler asked their worldwide network of sales and leadership experts including Antonio Garrido, Sandler trainer and author of The 21st Century Ride-Along and Asking Questioning The Sandler Way, what it takes to become a great coach.
They have collected and curated the best practices for virtual or in-person ride-alongs, which they will share on this webinar.
You will learn:
How to use a Sales Template Checklist to maximize results!