Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
Become a Sustainability Change Champion!
This webinar series will give you tremendous insight into how to become a sustainability change agent within your organization and drive sustainability initiatives that deliver business results.
This webinar prepares emerging leaders to manage strategic change both within their organizations and in response to disruptions. Participants will engage in a simulated scenario, taking on roles such as CEO or Director of Product Innovation to navigate challenges related to both internal and external change. The exercise emphasizes diagnosing challenges, planning adaptive actions, and leading successful change efforts that align with evolving sustainability goals.
Learning Objectives
Register once for all four webinars.
Webinar 1: How to Become a Change Agent Within Your Organization to Drive Sustainability Initiatives – Past
Webinar 2: How to Make Your Organization Resilient to Complex and “Wicked” Problems – March 28
Webinar 3: The Business Case for Energy Audits – April 11
Webinar 4: Energy Audit – Why now is the Best Time – April 25