Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
The COVID-19 pandemic is necessitating rapid shifts in many company auditing processes as a means to assure compliance with EHS regulatory requirements and continued maintenance of EHS management systems. Work environments have changed with many facility staff being transitioned to remote work or staggered schedules. Business activities may have shifted to those minimum operations permitted by state order, or those deemed critical for business sustainability. With limited access to the activities needing reviewed, site staff and compliance records auditing teams need to rethink how audits are planned and conducted. In these uncertain economic times, there is more than ever increased pressure to improve efficiency and maximize return on investment; all while meeting stakeholder expectations for the audit.
Many companies that have been using remote auditing strategies for years have already seen the value-add for their programs. By using technology, such as mobile tablets, live video streaming, and electronic cloud-based document sharing, organizations are optimizing for efficiency and providing lasting positive business impacts. With the right tools, your organization can conduct more effective audits in less time, while also improving peer-to-peer collaboration, reducing costs and continuing to meet compliance assurance expectations for your organization and stakeholder.
Join Gensuite LLC and Specialty Technical Consultants, Inc (STC) to discuss remote auditing best practices including: