Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
With the right tools and strategies in analytics, you can leverage the data you are collecting to deliver better cost and productivity efficiencies in your business. All manufacturers collect and analyze data to drive and support business decisions, but how do you know that you’re getting the most out of your data? The next level in analytics is data visualization, which presents the analytics visually so managers and your teams can review and capitalize on historical trends and trajectories and maximize your output.
This webinar will teach you key strategies, for effective data visualization and show you how you can develop and leverage analytics at the right level, with the level of detail necessary to identify and create action plan to take your business to the next level.
Rich Carpenter, General Manager of Product Management, Machine Automation Solutions at Emerson, is responsible for Machine Automation Solutions entire portfolio. Rich was previously CTO of GE Digital Automation Software and as part of that, he has experience creating and deploying solutions in manufacturing plants around the world. He will discuss data visualization methods and how it can help take your plant’s analytics to the next level.
By joining this webinar, you will have the tools you need to:
W. David Stephenson, Principal, Stephenson Strategies
W. David Stephenson, principal of Stephenson Strategies, has built an international reputation as a creative Internet of Things (IoT) consultant, thought leader and journalist. He wrote The Future Is Smart, (HarperCollins Leadership imprint, 2018), the first guide to IoT strategy; and Data Dynamite: How Liberating Information will Transform our World. an introduction to big data and the benefits of sharing data. He writes a column on the Internet of Things for IndustryWeek.
Rich Carpenter, General Manager of Product Management, Machine Automation Solutions, Emerson
Rich Carpenter is responsible for Machine Automation Solutions entire portfolio at Emerson. Rich was previously CTO of GE Digital Automation Software and as part of that, he has experience creating and deploying solutions in manufacturing plants around the world.