Ramping Up Lunch Break Discussion


Since the beginning of May, federal and state government officials have started to reopen the economy. During the last AME Mid-Atlantic lunch break, participants shared their plans, expectations, concerns, thoughts and practices as they prepared to ramp-up. The AME Mid-Atlantic Region would like to invite you to share what we have learned during this period Read More


The Pulse of Performance Management 2020 – The Transformation of Finance


What is the impact of the current economic volatility on FP&A groups? What role can performance management play in providing the tools to successfully help companies manage through this period? Are today’s conditions accelerating the initiation of Finance Transformation / Modernization projects? As more companies move forward with performance management, they need to understand their Read More


3 Ways to Streamline Product Innovation


Product teams are under pressure to produce. But bringing new products to market is incredibly complex -- and that was before Covid-19 caused unexpected disruption and dramatically shifted markets. Now more than ever, product teams need to operate with agility that helps them respond to sudden, dramatic market shifts and bring the most profitable products Read More


New Challenges for Employers as They Return to Work After COVID-19


Once President Trump announced the “Opening Up America Again” guidance on April 16, which provides discretion to state governors and local officials to make individual determinations about relaxing return-to-work and non-essential business closure orders, states immediately began to announce their plans for reopening businesses. Businesses will soon reopen, presenting employers with new challenges as part Read More


Reliability & Data Monitoring in the Age of Remote Working


The current COVID-19 situation has underscored the importance of reliable communications and the value of having remote access to your business systems, whether from home or across the plant. One silver lining—in this otherwise terrible situation—is that businesses are discovering new ways to leverage networking technology to optimize personal productivity with the important benefit of Read More


Conducting Remote Audits in the Era of COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic is necessitating rapid shifts in many company auditing processes as a means to assure compliance with EHS regulatory requirements and continued maintenance of EHS management systems. Work environments have changed with many facility staff being transitioned to remote work or staggered schedules. Business activities may have shifted to those minimum operations permitted Read More

Mission Critical – Safely Starting Back Up


COVID-19 has not just caused a temporary interruption to our everyday lives, it has ushered in a new reality.  The basic principles of safety will not change, but the strategies and tactics must.  All change impacts safety, and leaders need to address these changes with strategic planning and proactive practices.  Poor safety performance is an Read More


How to Develop a Risk Resilient Supply Chain and a Future Proof Manufacturing Footprint


For the past few decades, the path to success in manufacturing often resulted in extended supply chains and multiple sources of operations. When everything worked correctly, costs were low and margins were fat. COVID-19 has put that old model of manufacturing under tremendous strain. The questions of how and where your company will have distribution Read More


Explosion Prevention & Protection Options for Dust Collection Systems


This webinar provides a realistic approach to preventing combustible dust explosions in dust collection systems, a high risk area in industrial processing facilities and manufacturing plants. The topic will be presented from the end user perspective, discussing the available options and when they are most practical. Join Brian Richardson, Engineering & Applications Departments Manager for Read More


The Right Hire – Recruiting in the Post Pandemic Sales World

Live Streaming

As opposed to six months ago, NOW, may be the best time to recruit stronger salespeople, even if you do not currently have an opening. Selling has changed in the past three months. Not everyone will be able to make the transition. It does not mean they are bad people, but perhaps the new marketplace Read More


How To Offset Financial Losses with Energy Efficiency Projects


COVID-19 has significantly impacted small businesses throughout the state. One way businesses can offset those financial losses is through implementing an energy efficiency project. This webinar will cover everything from simple no-cost/ low-cost changes to more complex energy efficiency projects. PennTAP will go over energy saving tactics related to your building envelope, lighting, compressed air Read More


Sheet Metal Forming – Quickly Produce Tools In-House with 3D Printing


Tooling for sheet metal forming, with machining or outsourcing, can be a costly and lengthy process. With advancements in materials science for in-house stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing, you can reduce your tooling costs by 3D printing strong plastic tools in-house. In this webinar, Shane Wighton, engineering lead at Formlabs, will teach you how to form Read More
