Effect of Low Unemployment on OSHA Complaints & Investigations


he stock market is at historic levels, the economy is booming, and employees are feeling more secure in their positions. With increased job security and the availability of other employment, however, employees feel more comfortable filing complaints with OSHA regarding health and safety concerns at workplaces.  This webinar will address the effects of the effects Read More


What Matters in ERP Software Today


Your business, competition, and industry are changing materially and frequently, but, sadly, not all of your technology partners got the memo. In fact, some ERP vendors have been dragging their feet when it comes to cloud, multi-tenancy, and other innovations. As your organization embarks on its modernization journey, what should you use as your transformation Read More


DoD Supplier Cybersecurity Requirements


It is imperative that all DOD suppliers meet the DOD requirement (standard 800-171) in order to supply the Department of Defense. By attending this 90-minute webinar you will be able to: Understand the basic requirements of the standard Learn what you need to do to meet those requirements Gain important steps to get you started Read More


Business Continuity Management: Managing Risk and Improving Recovery


Business Continuity Management (BCM) enables organizations to manage risk and enable better, faster recovery following a disruption. BCM involves proactive risk identification to limit potential damage to an organization’s brand, capital, functions, and revenue. Disruptions range from man-made events (i.e. cyber or terrorist attacks) to natural events (i.e. extreme weather or natural disaster). Given today’s Read More


Calculating Safe Distances – An Application of Presence Sensing Devices


The effectiveness of particular types of safeguards depends in part on the correct positioning of the relevant parts in relation to the danger zone. ISO 13855 primarily defines human approach speeds. These approach speeds need to be considered when designing safety measures and selecting the appropriate sensor technology. Different speeds and sizes are defined, depending on Read More


The Human Factor in OSHA Enforcement and Compliance


Your company has a great occupational safety and health program.  It trains its employees and has a safety incentive program that employees love.  Then an employee ignores his training and fails to lock out a machine, injuring himself, and OSHA comes knocking.  This webinar will explore the human factor in occupational safety and health and Read More


Cyber Incident Response Liabilities and Strategies


The DFARS 252.204-7012 clause "Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting" has caused many defense contractors to focus on compliance with the 110 security requirements defined in NIST SP 800-171. However, NIST compliance is only one aspect of the DFARS clause. The regulations also require contractors to handle and report cyber incidents correctly - Read More


The Top 10 Strategies to Build Effective Teams


This webinar includes strategies that every company can employ to bring together teams with each member contributing a talent or skill to the overall success of the group.  Good teams don't just happen.  Planning is needed to help groups of individuals work together as a team to achieve successful results. Register


Building a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees in Manufacturing


Even the best information technology infrastructure won’t stop a well-meaning employee from clicking a malicious link or providing their password over the phone to someone impersonating your IT department. Cyber criminals know that manufacturing companies invest in this infrastructure, so employees are both the weakest link and best entry point to access the companies crown Read More


Industry 4.0 One Step at a Time


Industry 4.0 has the opportunity to dramatically transform the way manufacturers compete. Some of the benefits that companies are looking to achieve via Industry 4.0 include improved quality, reduced costs, shorter cycle times, and increased revenue. While the benefits can be significant, the path to get there can seem overwhelming. Faced with the many enabling Read More


Strategies for Building a Stronger Workforce


Manufacturers are navigating a period of intense change as digitization and advanced technologies transform the sector. Prudential commissioned a survey, performed by The Economist Intelligence Unit, to assess manufacturers’ preparedness and priorities. The survey surfaced findings organized around three key themes: strategies that manufacturers are adopting in response to industrial transformation; their approaches to managing Read More


How ISO 45001 Can Help You Lead with Safety


Are you looking to gain executive support to implement ISO 45001 standards? Understanding how ISO 45001 will impact your business, let alone building a business case or convincing executive teams to care, can be hard. However, once implemented it has the power to supercharge your safety programs and drastically increase the safety of your workforce. Read More
