The Race to EHSQ Excellence – Winner Takes All


Organizations regularly set objectives for safety and quality, and those objectives rarely target excellence or perfection. Instead, they target goals for reducing injuries, illnesses or quality-related incidents. However, W. Edwards Deming, the brilliant engineer and statistician who became a leading spokesperson for quality after WWII, taught that when an organization accepts a certain level of Read More


Introduction to Risk Management


Most businesses were caught off guard by 2020, and were unprepared to react quickly to some of the unexpected impacts to their business. Do you know what other risks may be lurking out there that can threaten your future business? It’s critical for any business to learn how to identify your business exposure to risk. Read More


Power & Battery Technology Innovations for Material Handling Equipment


The unprecedented use of e-commerce has contributed to a huge growth in the need for efficiency in distribution and warehousing. For example, the distribution of pre-prepared, home delivered meals and other grocery items has increased the need for cold-chain and freezer storage. New Lithium battery technology is an integral part of effective scaling and efficient Read More


Making Safety Personal in a Time of Social Distancing


Have your safety communication soft skills taken a back seat during the pandemic? You’re not alone. The rush to implement COVID-19 mitigation protocols has eaten up a significant amount of time and resources across the board. As a result, many safety leaders haven’t been able to go beyond the basics, focusing instead on technical and Read More


Legal Aspects of COVID-19 Vaccination for Employers Webinar – Part 2


Join the PA IRC Network for Part 2 of the Legal Aspects of COVID-19 Vaccination for Employers webinar Since Part 1 of this webinar aired in February, there have been many developments and updates regarding COVID-19 vaccination that have been reported. During Part 2 of this no-cost webinar series, Attorney James Devine will cover these Read More


De-risking Robotics


How to start your journey and avoid common issues with robotics implementations. After deciding to implement robotics, the goal of any organization is to attain a fast ROI by having the robot working quickly with minimal risk.  However, far too many organizations find their robotic implementations run behind schedule and create a series of new Read More


Elevating EHS Performance with Data Analytics


EHS professionals collect huge volumes of data and are increasingly being asked to provide even greater quantities of data for a variety of stakeholders to support compliance, risk mitigation, ESG, and corporate sustainability initiatives. Through the use of technology, such as SCADAs, CEMS, mobile devices, sensors, beacons, drones, and other Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Read More


New Insights in Cross Border and Nearshoring Logistics Solutions


Join Frank Bateman, Vice President, Ryder Supply Chain Solutions, for this webinar as he discusses the new complexities supply chains are facing with end-to-end logistics. Bateman will share insights on creating a playbook for success so you are prepared for any disruption including port congestion, safety & security, and a global pandemic. In this webinar Read More


Improve Your Bottom Line: Reduce Metal Manufacturers Processing Energy and Waste


Energy use is relatively high in a variety of machining and metal fabrication facilities. For metal casting foundries energy costs typically accounts for 5-10% of the overall operating costs. In this webinar, PennTAP will identify cost-effective practices and technologies to increase energy efficiency and pollution prevention ideas and suggestions that can help metal manufacturers facilities reduce energy use, waste, and operate more efficiently while Read More


The Evolution and Future of Control/Automation Systems


Demystifying systems to enable the optimum selection for your application. In which direction is safety technology developing? Which control systems provide the highest user benefits for your specific application? Control/automation systems are as varied as applications.  Which is right for you? As EHS professionals know, safety relays are devices which generally implement safety functions. In the Read More


Act 129 Funding and Other Incentives for Energy Efficient Projects


Often, companies are eligible to apply for funding assistance to offset the cost of energy efficiency improvement efforts but are uncertain where to find these incentives. During this webinar, we will discuss opportunities and incentives for small to mid-sized companies in the Northcentral Pennsylvania Roundtable region. We will have representatives discussing prospects for funding through: Read More


New Administration, New Changes for OSHA


In January 2021, President Biden began taking actions that have and will continue to impact employers. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the President and OSHA have already made changes designed to improve workplace safety, a key focus of the Biden administration. This webinar will provide employers a discussion of changes that have already taken place Read More
