Improve Your Bottom Line: Reduce Metal Manufacturers Processing Energy and Waste


Energy use is relatively high in a variety of machining and metal fabrication facilities. For metal casting foundries energy costs typically accounts for 5-10% of the overall operating costs. In this webinar, PennTAP will identify cost-effective practices and technologies to increase energy efficiency and pollution prevention ideas and suggestions that can help metal manufacturers facilities reduce energy use, waste, and operate more efficiently while Read More


The Evolution and Future of Control/Automation Systems


Demystifying systems to enable the optimum selection for your application. In which direction is safety technology developing? Which control systems provide the highest user benefits for your specific application? Control/automation systems are as varied as applications.  Which is right for you? As EHS professionals know, safety relays are devices which generally implement safety functions. In the Read More


Act 129 Funding and Other Incentives for Energy Efficient Projects


Often, companies are eligible to apply for funding assistance to offset the cost of energy efficiency improvement efforts but are uncertain where to find these incentives. During this webinar, we will discuss opportunities and incentives for small to mid-sized companies in the Northcentral Pennsylvania Roundtable region. We will have representatives discussing prospects for funding through: Read More


New Administration, New Changes for OSHA


In January 2021, President Biden began taking actions that have and will continue to impact employers. Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the President and OSHA have already made changes designed to improve workplace safety, a key focus of the Biden administration. This webinar will provide employers a discussion of changes that have already taken place Read More


Enabling Enterprise-Wide Visibility and Increasing Efficiency with Centralized, Remote, and Mobile Operations


The global pandemic brought emergency changes on manufacturing operations. There was a quick shift in operations to remote working and increased sanitization with the goal to lose as little productivity as possible. However, the advantage of some remote working became apparent, and world-class manufacturers are now discovering they can have the advantages of mobile working, not Read More


OSHA Safety Training – How to Make it Effective


As a safety professional, you know how important training is. Pulling employees away from productive work can be hard, but the alternative—having untrained employees—just isn’t an option. Training is critical to your employees’ safety and your company’s safety culture. We know one of the most challenging areas for any EHS professional is safety training. This Read More


Artificial Intelligence in Vision


How it is transforming the possibilities in manufacturing and quality Deep learning and artificial intelligence sound like a concept for the future, but they are available now and changing what is possible with machine vision.  Learn how these systems work and how they compare to traditional rules based vision.  We will review examples of how Read More


What is ISO 45001? And What Impact Will It Have on Your Business?


In March 2018, a new international occupational health and safety (OH&S) standard, ISO 45001, was published.  The standard, a result of a five year process involving more than 70 countries, seeks to set a new benchmark in global OH&S by providing effective, real-world solutions for worker safety.  As a new global standard, ISO 45001 will continue to Read More


Empowering Machine Builders for Digitalization


Manufacturers are increasingly requiring digital twins from their machine builders for virtual factory acceptance tests. By embracing game-changing technology from Siemens, machine builders can exceed these demands. With our comprehensive digital twin solution and virtual commissioning, they can reduce their costs and time to market, and harness the layers of complexity and data in machine Read More


From NIST 800-171 to CMMC: What You Need to Know


If you have contracts with the Department of Defense (DOD), you likely have questions about which regulations you're facing. During this webinar, BlackBottle IT will explain what you will need to do to not to jeopardize your DOD contracts. Key takeaways: Learn the difference between NIST and CMMC and why you need to leverage NIST Read More


Modernize Your Warehouse to Meet Increasing Demand


Digitize your warehouse processes to deliver greater productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. The urgency to transform warehouse operations stretches across all industries and there is an urgent need for automation and productivity solutions that give more flexibility and enhance the efficiency of existing operations in order to manage the bottom line and deliver solid ROI. From Read More


How to Modernize Your Contractor Management Program in Less than 21 Days


Contractors, vendors and suppliers play a crucial role in the modern business landscape, but most companies are still using yesteryear’s processes to manage their third-party compliance qualifications. In this webinar Mark Bania, the CEO of Contractor Compliance, will explain why an outdated system is problematic while also showing you how to modernize it into a Read More
