How to Engage Hourly Employees for Productivity Gains

An IndustryWeek Webinar Invitation Description As the manufacturing competitive landscape continues to present new demands for lower pricing and higher quality, more organizations are looking for quick and impactful solutions, fractional reductions in cost, and opportunities to drive new productivity gains. While both workforce management and employee engagement have been recognized separately by most organizations Read More


Develop a Corporate Culture that Drives Operational Excellence


An IndustryWeek Webinar Invitation Description Is your tried and true culture in need of new transformational ideas? Join us to learn how to transform your current company culture to create end-to-end business transformations that support Operational Excellence. During the webinar, Kevin Duggan, President of Duggan Associates, will explain how to address the problems of your Read More


What is Collaborative Manufacturing and How Can it Help You?


An IndustryWeek Webinar Invitation Heavy equipment manufacturers are confronted with increasing complexity. You are buffeted by increasing customer requirements, product variations and global production all under the pressure of reduced time to market. You need effective collaborative manufacturing capabilities to better integrate product and production processes, planning, and strategies and improve overall machine quality. In Read More


InfraGard Security Symposium

Penn College Professional Development Center One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA, United States

The Center for Strategic and International Studies published a report concluding that hacking costs the overall U.S. economy as much as $10 billion each year and the loss of up to 500,000 jobs. U.S. companies spend millions of dollars securing their networks, buying insurance and repairing their reputations after getting hacked. In total, more than Read More


Why ERP/MES Systems Alone are not able to Address Operational Planning and Scheduling Needs


An IndustryWeek Webinar Invitation Manufacturing companies around the globe face a common challenge: to stay competitive. To do so, you must produce better quality goods faster and more cost-effectively. Meeting this challenge requires the optimal use of expensive and highly specialized equipment, technologies and personnel with special attention given to quality at all stages of Read More


Root Cause Analysis and A3 Thinking

Center for Business & Workforce Development 1127 W. 4th St., Williamsport, PA, United States

Root Cause Analysis: Problem solving at its fundamental level!  This portion of the training will focus on the Plan-Do-Check-Act Deming Wheel following a seven step process to determine root cause.  Along with the methodology, tools will be introduced and practiced as teams, including new brainstorming techniques, 5 whys, fishbone diagrams and prioritization models. A3 Thinking: Read More


How Manufacturers are Extracting Value from Big Data


Profitable growth is a primary goal for most manufacturing companies, but is not always easy to achieve. In this webinar, we’ll dive deep into real world examples of how manufacturers are creatively expanding their business, through the use of real-time data analytics that lead to new service, subscription and recurring revenue models to extend and Read More


Analytics-Based Sales: The New Era of B2B Growth


B2B companies are facing times of change and uncertainty. Revenue is down, sales representatives are struggling to meet quotas and a shocking 71% of B2B customers are ready and willing to take their business elsewhere. To survive these setbacks, B2B companies need an analytics-based sales strategy -- one that gets to the heart of customers' Read More


Tips and Tactics to Identify New Markets (and Avoid Bad Ones)


Discover your new best opportunity to grow market share fast. All manufacturers have a common priority -- locate and master the best markets for them ahead of their competitors to grow market share and improve customer experiences. From finding the diamonds in the rough to delivering new products tailored for your markets, you need a Read More


Navigating the World of Regulation and Compliance


It's a zero-tolerance world where mandates are firm, regulations are strictly enforced, and a single misstep can mean disastrous fines, lost contracts, or costly recalls. Whether it's emission standards, safety standards, or labels on food, manufacturers face numerous twists and turns on the compliance journey. Technology provides the direction, the guideposts, and tools to keep Read More


Innovation Engineering – How to Create Profitable New Products & Services and Keep Doing it!

IMC 1127 W. 4th St., Williamsport, PA, United States

The # 1 key to profitability is to bring products and services to the marketplace that are both MEANINGFUL to customers and as UNIQUE as possible.  That combination of meaningful and unique guarantees pricing leverage and profitability. The #2 key is to continue getting better at #1. The Innovation Engineering training provides: A high-level view Read More


Value Stream Mapping and Standard Work

Center for Business & Workforce Development 1127 W. 4th St., Williamsport, PA, United States

Value Stream Mapping: Value Stream Mapping (VSM) will be introduced as a tool for organizational improvement and process improvement.  This is a high level tool that looks at the current state, develops the future state and creates the action plan to bridge the gap.  VSM is distinctive in that it is data/metric driven AND information Read More
