Incoterms, Landed Cost, Payment Methods. How Do these Relate to Pricing Your Product?
WebinarFree Webinar to understand Pricing Your Product by IMC partner, SAPDC. Register
Innovative Manufacturers Center
Driving Manufacturing Growth and Job Creation in Central Pennsylvania
Free Webinar to understand Pricing Your Product by IMC partner, SAPDC. Register
Learn how a 150-year-old global manufacturer systematically integrated its EHS, OpEx and supply chain systems to optimize employee engagement, sustainability and business results. Milliken & Co. makes specialty chemicals, floor coverings and textiles at plants in the U.S., Mexico, Australia, China and throughout Europe, a global footprint that can be challenging to manage. In this Read More
As we enter the next phase of the pandemic, OSHA remains focused on its obligations—under the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Health and Safety Act—to protect workers from the hazard of contracting Covid-19 in the workplace. Enforcement of workplace Covid prevention plans and policies should be expected as the protection of unvaccinated workers continues Read More
Join us for this webinar hosted by IMC partner SVA/SEWN on March 17th with Vinitha Moskal, Founder & CEO of SmartCost Inc. A woman owned management consulting company located in Pennsylvania, SmartCost focuses on helping companies navigate and leverage the fourth industrial revolution to reimagine, revitalize and realize market opportunities. Register
Faculty and staff from Penn State Behrend, home of the largest academic plastics training lab in the nation, will share information about cutting edge research, state-of-the-art facilities, academic programming, continuing education for plastics workers, and industry/university partnership opportunities. PennTAP will also share success stories of previous technical assistance partnerships with plastics companies. Register
Bringing end-to-end interoperability and seamless data flow to the IIoT processes while connecting multiple plants, sites, production information, equipment, controllers, and enterprise business applications is what the IT/OT and Digital Transformation teams of a manufacturer dream of. Sparkplug, an IIoT communications specification based on the MQTT standard, can make this dream a reality by breaking Read More
As manufacturing and production companies continue to embrace digital transformation initiatives, transforming themselves into what is often called the “factory of the future” they often seek new ways to improve productivity. Faced with a variety of unique challenges related to driving continuous improvement, engaging with deskless workers, and improving employee safety—manufacturers are increasingly turning to Read More
Generating quantitative data is often a struggle for EHS professionals. This webinar will bridge that gap to help make you a more effective EHS leader. Using existing facility cameras, we’ve identified and analyzed over 40 unsafe behaviors and conditions that could be happening right now in your facility, and this webinar will focus on tackling Read More
To date, hand injuries remain the number one preventable industrial accident worldwide, so it only makes sense to understand and apply effective hand safety measure to help reduce the risks. In this webinar, Joe Geng, author of the best-selling hand safety book REThinking Hand Safety, will provide the most practical and effective hand safety tips Read More
Free webinar on commercial documents needed for exports by IMC partner, SAPDC. Register
Today’s talent market is more chaotic and competitive than ever. With the “Great Resignation,” employers have seen people at all levels leave their jobs in large numbers. Manufacturers across the country report a shortage of qualified workers. The market and societal forces behind these challenges are likely long-term and can’t be ignored. Your company needs Read More
Many believe that once a machine is upgraded to meet the requirements issued by a machine safety risk assessment, the system is safe and ready to use in production. However, many fail to test the system to ensure it functions as outlined in the Risk Assessment to keep personnel safe. Following our machine safety mindset Read More